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Compass West FP was launched by Bernie Reeby

Why Compass West FP?

  • Benefit from a dedicated team of highly qualified specialists who have created a unique set of planning tools, based on many years’ experience.

  • Our ‘Plain-English’ approach to financial planning. We cut the jargon to ensure you fully understand the options available to you.

  • Our directly authorised status means we always maintain the highest levels of professionalism. Our expertise are maintained through continuous professional development.

  • Getting to grips with one’s finances can be stressful and daunting at times. Our friendly and down-to-earth approach helps take the stress out of the situation.

  • We are independent, transparent and impartial, ensuring you receive the right advice that is best for you and your unique situation.

  • Our track-record speaks for itself. Our clients are our biggest advocates. Your welcome to speak to them, to hear first-hand why we are different to other financial planners.